Tuesday, January 4, 2011

365, day 4- Hello Again, Soccer

My soccer league had the last 2 weeks off for the holidays, so today was a rough re-entry. During those 2 weeks, I did A LOT of eating and ZERO exercise. My Mom and I didn't even make it to our pilates class last week, so saying the last 2 weeks have been sedentary is understatement. Lazy bum might be more fitting.

Last year, (as in, 6 weeks ago), I joined a women's indoor soccer team in an attempt to get myself back into shape. Getting into shape was a lofty goal, the more realistic goal was to find something that I would actual participate in that would get my heart rate up and some blood flowing. Well, let me tell you, soccer kicks my butt on a weekly basis! I am always dying by the end of the game, (ok, by half-time), but I have yet to determine what I can attribute to my asthmatic lungs and what is out of shape-ness. We could safely say that I haven't done any cardio in at least 3 years, so it's a bit of a coin toss as to what to blame at this point.

Aside from feeling like I am going to die on Tuesday nights, soccer has been quite enjoyable. We play at 2 indoor locations in Arlington, and my team is actually pretty good. Ages on my team range from mid-20's (do I fall into that category now?! when did I get so old?!) to mid-30's, but other teams have players well into their 50's and possibly 60's. I can only hope I'm still movin' and groovin' when I'm that age!

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