Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Liesl = Rockstar

I don't think we could have asked for a better outcome from Liesl's procedure today. The bronchoscopy showed no compression on her trachea (HOORAY!) and the MRI results where such that they were able to do sclerotherapy right away. She had 3 injections of sclerotherapy and is rockin' some neon bandaids now. She is in the ICU, but doesn't have a breathing tube which is good news for so many reasons. Of course she has a sore throat from being intubated for 5 or 6 hours today, but nothing compared to being intubated for double that number of days. She is eating on her own, and Carter said they even got a few smiles tonight. She is working her way out of the anesthesia funk and isn't back to her normal buggy self just yet, but thats to be expected.

Carter was talking to Ingrid on the phone and Ing heard Liesl crying, so Carter put the phone near Liesl, and like magic, Liesl started to calm down when she heard Ingrid's voice. Talk about sisterly love!

My field hockey games were cancelled tonight due to the heat advisory, so I went over to my parents to help with the whirling dervish, otherwise known as Ingrid. Its a darn good thing she is so incredibly cute because good grief, she is exhausting! And I was only there for a few hours! There are lots of funny stories from tonight, but this post is really supposed to be about Liesl, so Ing stories will have to wait for another day.

Carter, Jon, and Liesl will be hanging out in the ICU for the next couple of days, so keep sending those good vibes!

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